Hey! I'm Malik, loves blockchain, star wars, fantasy novels and Brandon Sanderson; thanks for stopping by! I'm fascinated about computer science and mathematics (& hope to also branch into some creative writing). Check out my GitHub. If you ever see me, I'll probably either be talking about Star wars or quoting Yoda, Do, or do not. There is no try - Yoda. Music fan?, then you've to recognize Kendrick and The Weeknd supremacy. Sometimes (most times tbh) I rant about books, obsess over CS, maths and blockchains. I hope to publish a research paper this year, learn more about zk, cryptography, form new connections, partake in more hackathons. Don't know how yet, but surely doing it., or just build more infra tools. I truly believe in e/acc, we've to progress at an exponential rate, that's the only way to save humanity!

Currently reading: Linear Algebra done right by Sheldon Alexar.

Excited to learn more about my journey? Explore my portfolio or connect with me on Twitter and GitHub!